Sunday, December 13, 2009

Burn nooks for heat

Crawling out of every..cranny

Yes, it's the nook and it's seems like you could write a novel in the time it takes for it to change one page but that's okay because e-book readers are the future. The crunchpad battle has turned ugly, Time et al have dropped hints that they might soon be tossing their hats in the ring and against all expectations, the nook has hit the shelves. 
Once again the painfully sluggish e-ink is to blame for the bad reviews. Somehow the B&N reader takes longer than the first Kindle to turn a leaf. Whether this can be remedied with a firmware update, we don't know. We also don't know how Quantum Theory and Relativity end up defining the universe so perfectly and yet do not come together in a gay homosexual reach around manner. 
Some things can never been known.

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